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This book was compiled for Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeons preparing to sit the FRCS examination. It provides a recommended framework which will allow you to start embarking on your revision. It provides a review of the resources available and how to best utilise your time to tackle the different components of the exam. All too often I have found candidates in the dark about techniques until it’s too late. A read of this book prior to embarking on revision will help the candidate plan ahead.


The book is divided into two sections; the first is my experience of how to prepare for the part A and B and the second section contains important exam material.

I have chosen to distribute this book through the Orthopaedic Network. They are a not for profit organisation involved in the collaboration and education of Orthopaedic surgeons. If you have found this book helpful, I would humbly request that you donate towards charities supported by them to further the work they do to support those in need. Thank you and all the best.

Bokhari's Guide to the Trauma and Orthopaedic FRCS examination

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